TurboModz Documentation (W.I.P)

in this documentation, you will learn how to use Turbomodz and Create your Own Mods

Create Your Own Mod

Create New Mod Called ()

create new mod called [foobar mod] :: #e84cff

Creates a New Mod.

here is the default data for the newly created mod:

  name: "name", // Name of The Mod
  id: "random id", // ID of The Mod
  sprites: [], // Sprites inside The Mod
  costumes: [], // Costumes Inside The Mod
  sounds: [], // Sounds Inside The Mod
  runtime_values: { //Runtime Values of The Mod
    turbo_mode: false,
    interpolation: false,
    remove_fencing: false,
    remove_misc_limits: false,
    high_quality_pen: false,
    framerate: 30,
    clone_limit: 300,
    stage_size: "480x360"

Get Mod Called () as [JSON]

get mod called (foobar mod v) as [JSON v] :: #e84cff reporter

Reports the data of the mod in three formats:

get (key v) of mod called (foobar mod v) :: #e84cff reporter

get runtime value of (value v) of mod called (foobar mod v):: #e84cff reporter

Project Modding

Add Sprite (url) to Mod:()

add sprite [https://example.com/Sprite1.sprite3] to mod:(foobar mod v) :: #e84cff

Adds a Sprite using an Url or Data:URI (Recommended)

Add Image [URL] to Sprite:[SPRITE] in Mod:[MOD]

add image [URL] to sprite:(myself v) in mod:(foobar mod v) :: #e84cff

adds an image as a costume for the chosen sprite in the mod. same for the block below except it uses actual costumes:

add costume (costume 1 v) to sprite:(myself v) in mod:(foobar mod v) :: #e84cff

Add Sound URL () to sprite:() in mod:()

add sound url [https://extensions.turbowarp.org/srpelo.mp3] to sprite:(SPRITE v) in mod:(foobar mod v) :: #e84cff

adds a sound using it's URL for the chosen sprite in the mod. same for the block below except it doesn't use URLs:

add sound (sr pelo.mp3 v) to sprite:(myself v) in mod:(foobar mod v) :: #e84cff

Mods & Runtime Values

Set [] to [] In Mod:[]

set [interpolation v] to (enabled v) in mod:(foobar mod v) :: #e84cff

Set FPS limit to [FPS] In Mod:[]

set FPS limit to [69] in mod:(foobar mod v):: #e84cff

Set Clone Limit to [infinite] In Mod:[]

set [interpolation v] to (enabled v) in mod:(foobar mod v) :: #e84cff

Set Clone Limit to [infinite] In Mod:[]

set [interpolation v] to (enabled v) in mod:(foobar mod v) :: #e84cff

set stage size to width:[640] height:[360] in mod:()

set stage size to width:[640] height:[420] in mod:(foobar mod v):: #e84cff

if you know how to use runtime values, skip this section.

Loading Mods

load [MOD] mod in project

load (foobar mod v) mod in project:: #e84cff

Loads The Mod in The Project.


unload all mods in project

unload all mods in project:: #e84cff

does the opposite of the upper block.

is project loading a mod? & is project modded?

s project loading a mod?:: #e84cff boolean

is project modded?:: #e84cff boolean

adds checks to if the project is loading a mod and if it's modded.


they will come soon...


Import & export Mods

export mod (foobar mod v) as [.twmod]:: #e84cff // default format is ".pmmod" in PenguinMod

import new mod to project as [.twmod]:: #e84cff

import or export your mods using the default format or your own unique custom format for your game!

CSS in Mod (W-I-P)

add CSS [css] to mod:(foobar mod v):: #e84cff // i have no idea if it's possible in PenguinMod

self explanatory. only works on packaged projects.